About us

Strandfaraskip Landsins (SSL) is the public transportation company belonging to the Ministry of Finance in the Faroe Island. General-purpose for SSL is to provide transport to all islands by ferry or bus for locals, travelers, and cargo.
SSL has 33 routes where 9 are by ferry and 24 by bus. To provide these services there are 8 ferries and 40 busses. The main office is in Tvøroyri where the Director, financial department, operational department, public road department, HR-department and IT-department are located. Around 160 employees work for SSL all over the Faroe Island today.

Farstøðin in Tórshavn is our central station. Opening hours are:
Monday to Thursday: from 08:00 – 16:00
Friday from 08:00 – 15:00
By phone you are welcome to contact us on tel. +298 343000 on office hours or by email: ssl@ssl.fo.
Phone route information is open all hours of the day on tel. +298 343030.