Other travel card options

Witch Travel Card Is for Me? – Travel with us and save money

Value Card

If you travel regularly on different routes the value card may be the right card for you. The value card can be used on all routes. Multiple people and cars can use this card.

You can get a card value between DKK 250 and DKK 3.000. When the value is low you can purchase more values as many times as you want. You get 15% discount when you use a Value Card and the plastic card costs DKK 50.

You can purchase the card at our harbor terminal in Tórshavn or at our main office in Tvøroyri if you want to make your card personal with your name on it. We recommend this since you can get your card and value back if it gets lost.

You can also purchase our value card without your name on it on all our busses and ferries. If your card gets lost, you can not get a refund since we have no way of knowing the value of your card.

Monthly Card

If you travel often on the same route, for example to and from work – every workday of the month, the Monthly Card is the option for you.

The Monthly card is strictly personal with your name and birth date. You can purchase this card on the harbor terminal in Tórshavn or at our main office in Tvøroyri for DKK 50. This card gives you a large discount if you frequently travel with our busses or ferries.

This card is valid for 30 days after you your first trip. When the 30 days have passed you can refill your card on all busses and ferries.

Once you have started using your monthly card the money will not be refunded if you lose your card. If the card is lost, you can transfer your remaining days on a new card and pay the difference you need for a monthly card. Unused monthly credit can be transfer to a new card. The card itself cost DKK 50.

School Cards

Ask your school if you can get a school card to travel with. If you are in upper secondary school or higher education, you can apply for a travel card between your home and school here.

If you get this card granted you can travel to and from school for free with SSL.

The card will be sent to the school by post. There is a waiting time of at the most 14 days after the shcool has confirmed the travel card application. Please note that this does not include possible delays in the post.

If students do not have valid further education travel cards on them when they travel the student will need to pay the normal fare. The student will however get a 20% discount if the student has a valid student proof of some kind.

Sports travel cards

The national sports confederation pays for sports travel to Sandoy and Suðuroy as well as on board all our ferries. Please contact your sport team for more information.

Business Cards

Businesses can purchase business cards from us for travel and other purchases on our busses and ferries.

If you have any questions, please send an email to ssl@ssl.fo or call +298 343030.